What’s coming up this week –
19:30 Tuesday, January 31: Intro night for Bible study on Paul’s letters at the Lunders’ house (Markt 34D).
19:30 Friday, February 3: “Soak” prayer and worship night at the Damascus road office (Sint Pieterstraat 6).
11:00 Saturday, February 4: Men’s breakfast at John Mullins Restaurant (Wycker Brugstraat 50). The breakfast costs 8-10 euros, or even cheaper is to just order a coffee.
14:30 Saturday, February 4: Women’s fellowship at the Kooyman’s house (Aert van Trichtweg 32).
11:00 Sunday, February 5: Weekly meeting at StayOkay hostel (Maasboulevard 101).
For a more comical look at what’s going on, check out our video announcements on youtube: