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Active filter: Service: Sunday Morning (x) , Date: 2014 (x), July (x)
Preacher: Matthew Lunders (3), Jonathan Lal (1).
Book: Luke (1), Ephesians (1).

Sermons (4)

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Jesus Initiated Intimacy

Luke 5:1-11 (Part of the series).
Preached by Matthew Lunders on July 27, 2014 .
Sunday Morning


The Armor of God

Ephesians 6:10-18 (Part of the series).
Preached by Jonathan Lal on July 20, 2014 .
Sunday Morning


Jesus Called for Personal Change

(Part of the series).
Preached by Matthew Lunders on July 13, 2014 .
Sunday Morning


Jesus Identified with the Persecuted

(Part of the series).
Preached by Matthew Lunders on July 6, 2014 .
Sunday Morning


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